When: Friday, October 9th, 2020 @ 7:30pm Eastern Standard Time
Where: Online via Zoom!!! (You must register in order to receive the link)
Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/souped-up-poetry-slam-social-distancing-three-prizes-tickets-121235471559
Suggested Donation: $3 (No one will be turned away.)
What: 8 Poets Slam Poets + 5 Poets on the Open Mic | Special Judges: Jha D., FreeQuency, Justice Ameer, Quentin Brandel, Theresa O. + Shia O.
What else: What else?! Guest Host Amanda Shea sets us up for performances by Red Shaydez, SOUP and SeeFour
Why: Now more than ever, our communities need messages of healing and hope. Let's do that.